Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Bhutan's beauty, happiness and a cry for help allows the Courtauld access to a private culture in aid to help preserve 16th-19th Century temple masterpieces


I'm ashamed to say that I hadn't heard huge amounts about the Kingdom of Bhutan, a beautiful diamond sandwiched between India and China at the Eastern end of the Himalayas. Though it's somewhat understood as due to buddist beliefs and deep-rooted connection and respect for their environment they strongly control tourist rates and access. Such measures have resulted in a kingdom that is ripe in biodiversity, renowned for it, together with being regularly voted one of the happiest countries and kingdoms. It's such richness of environment and culture that makes it so intriguing and interesting to start hearing about.Experts from the Courtauld Institute have been given priveleged access to previously unexposed or chronicled wall paintings from over 2000 temples and monasteries. This is partly rooted in the Bhutans requiring advice on preservation of their works but all part of a three-year research partnership between the Courtauld and the Bhutan Department of Culture. The final fieldwork and scientific analysis have just taken place and will be published next year.

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